How to keep children sun safe and well hydrated during hot weather

Children have a higher risk of being affected by the heat, and heat stress isn’t cool!   

Staying sun safe and hydrated is crucial during hot weather, particularly for children. We know that when it comes to children (and adults) applying sun cream and drinking plenty of water is often easier said than done.   

Simple sun cream solutions   

Brush away tears 

  • A foundation brush or sponge can make sun cream application much easier, especially for wriggly toddlers! 
  • Turn it into a game for the whole family, painting pictures onto each other's faces before blending them in. 

  Roll up, roll up! 

  • Roll on sun creams are great for older children who want take charge of applying their own – just make sure to supervise and help out with any hard-to-reach spots. 
  • With less chance of mess and spills, they are also a great option to pop in their backpack for reapplication at school. 

  Have fun! 

  • Make the process a fun part of your morning routine. 
  • Why not sing our ‘Bring Out the Sun Cream’ song to make sure you have covered every area! 

Staying hydrated – why does it matter?   
During hot weather, you are at higher risk of dehydration, which is a key contributor to heat-related illness, including heat stress, heat exhaustion, heatstroke. Children are generally more susceptible to becoming dehydrated than adults.   

It’s recommended to drink 6 to 8 glass (roughly 1.2 litres) per day but during hot weather or a heatwave, we need to drink even more than this, as our bodies are more likely to lose fluid through sweat.     

How can you transform your child into a Hydration Hero?   
The secret to encouraging children to be willing to drink more water is all about making it fun!   
Give these exciting tips a go:   

1- Liven up their water and elevate the taste! 

  Fun flavours 

  • Add a splash of squash, slices of fruit or other sugar-free flavourings to change up the flavour every day. 

  Fancy ice cubes 

  • Let your kids experiment by freezing different things into their ice cubes, like fresh mint or cucumber.  
  • Try using ice cube trays that come in fun shapes like stars! 

 2- Jazz up a water bottle 

  Bottle make-over 

  • Let your kids get creative and decorate their water bottle. Bedazzle it with vinyl stickers that you can apply to the bottle. 
  • Try adding a bendy straw for fun! 

  Fun and fabulous 

  • Treating your child to a fun water bottle is a great way to entice them to drink more throughout the day. 

 3- Hydration heroes!  

  • Have your child set a daily water goal and challenge their friends and siblings. Can they be a ‘hydration hero’? 
  • Why not get involved yourself (modelling by example is a bonus) and make it a family challenge! 

 Who says drinking water has to be boring for your kids? From livening up their water to levelling up their bottle, these are exciting ways to motivate your child to drink plenty every day. Plus, top tips for smooth sun cream application!