Summer sun life hacks - keeping the kids entertained


Here are some handy ideas for keeping your kids entertained, and sun safe, this summer:


1.     Shade Hunt

Keep your kids out of the sun by going on a shade hunt in your garden or local park. Who can find the biggest piece of shade? Who can find the smallest? This is also a great time to talk to your child about why it’s important to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.


2.     Den Fun

Build a den in your garden or local park out of sticks, chairs, pegs, blankets and anything else you can find! See how big you can make your den. Can your child make it big enough for all their friends to fit inside?


3.     Use the Soltan Sun Ready App

Follow the link below to get everything you need to start enjoying the summer sun safely! This app teaches kids about the importance of sun safety through a treasure hunt-style game and interactive, on-screen characters.

Find out more about the Soltan Sun Ready app.


4.     Create a Sun Ready Calendar

Encourage your kids to make a calendar that makes note of the weather on each day and how often they applied sun protection to their skin. Be sure to remind them that on hot, sunny days, they should be reapplying sun protection every two hours.


5.     Survival Kit

Get ready for anything by packing a survival kit with your child. What essentials would you need to survive in the wilderness for a few days or weeks? Remember to pack some sun safe clothing and a bottle of sun protection.